Considering prefabricated warehouses as part of your contingency planning?

For which industry do you need a temporary structure?

Prefabricated Warehouses
PreparationPlanningWorst-Case ScenarioAdvantagesTemperatureShort & Long-Term SolutionConclusionMore articles

Contingency planning is one of those tedious but necessary tasks that every business has to carry out. Nobody wants to consider disaster as part of their business to-do list but having a watertight procedure in place is certainly the way to go to safeguard the future of any company.

Prefabricated warehouses can be of incredible help if anything did happen to go wrong and more and more managers are incorporating them as part of a contingency plan. They have a range of properties and can be used for a number of functions and scenarios.

Preparing properly

It makes sense that a business with a recovery strategy in place would be in a better position to deal with the damages associated with fire damage or other disaster situations. Planning is key and composing the right protocol can ultimately define whether your business can continue if the worst was to happen.

Developing a plan may seem a bit difficult to begin and each individual company and location is, of course, unique. There are a few points, however, that more or less remain constant regardless of sector, building and area.

Forming a plan

As a contingency plan affects everybody in the company, it’s probably best to seek the help of people familiar with each different department, area and workspace to assess potential pitfalls. Working together, you can then establish the likelihood of hazards occurring and the impact they will have on operations.

The main priority would be to identify highly likely or severe risks and compensate for them accordingly. Think of this almost as a risk assessment for dangers that cannot be removed. With that being said, if you notice an improvement that can be made, you may as well deal with when you see it.

From there, you can put into place vendors, suppliers and steps that can be used and taken to remedy the situation. Think about what your company needs to function properly, especially IT, equipment and workspace, and choose your contingency options appropriately.

Just like your risk assessments and fire drills, contingency planning should be reassessed regularly to confirm that it continues to be suitable.

Facing the worst

Prefabricated warehouses can slide into a contingency plan in a number of places. With versatility at their core, the sheer number of uses for them means that they are creeping into recovery methods all over the UK.

Prefabricated warehouses

Warehouses make up a fair portion of the UK’s workspace. That means that decent space may be difficult to come by in case of an emergency. Prefabricated warehouses, on the other hand, are always available.

They can be erected in a short period of time and on top of this, mean you don’t have to go offsite if your site is otherwise safe to use. That means that your logistics will be unaffected, offering possibly the least disruptive option as well as the quickest.

These structures are suitable for both storage and physical workspace. This adaptability has meant that many companies have been able to get back up and running after a catastrophe.

Temperature controls

On the subject of versatility, prefab warehouses and buildings are far from a one size fits all solution. If it’s just space that you need, of course, you’ll be able to get it but even specialist companies can find what they need.

Perhaps the most important of controls for some businesses is temperature. Accommodating for insulation, or even non-insulation, is a must for certain items and companies. Far from being just big structures, prefab warehouses are able to cater for specific climates and conditions.

They are usually much easier to source than other buildings that offer these features, too. When it comes to picking your business up, chances are you’d be doing it much sooner with prefab than traditional buildings.

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Our configurator tool allows you to design your structure to suit your needs. Design your ideal structure and see how it will look in less than 3 minutes! Receive an estimate and copy of your configuration.

Short and Long-Term Assistance

No matter how long you envisage your search for premises to go on for, prefabricated warehouses can put you up for as long as you need. A temporary solution with a difference, these structures are actually built with the long-term in mind. In fact, quite a few businesses are using ‘temporary’ buildings as a permanent solution, proving their longevity.

For short-term use, they offer everything you need until you can source new premises or repair your damaged workplace. If however, you need a prefab warehouse for longer than anticipated, there is scope to stay for as long as you need.

Rising again

When it comes to your business, you’ll no doubt want to ensure that you’re covered against every eventuality. With this in mind, contingency planning is a vital element of protocol.

A huge part of preparing for potential disaster is thinking about work and storage space that suits the needs of your company. Prefab warehouses can offer the ideal premises to cover you during difficult periods, allowing you to stay up and running through most disasters.

You can design your own temporary building using our easy, free to use on-line Configurator Tool.

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